These graduate classes were taken at the University of Florida between 2023 and the present:
GIS Programming and Customization (GIS6103): Hands-on introduction to the capabilities of a Geographic Information System (GIS) to be expanded through programming.
Natural Resource Economics and Valuation (FOR6543): Extending microeconomic principles to problems in forest production, supply behavior, forest valuation, and multiple use of forest lands. Offered spring term of odd-numbered years.
Scientific Writing and Presentation (FOR6934)
Visualization of Ecological Data (FOR6436C): Equip students to work with big (ecological) data, with a focus on data visualization as exploratory data analysis. Students will understand the importance and basics of data management and effective visualization and will be able to read data into R from external sources (csv, txt) and be able to check and manipulate data types. They will communicate their data and/or findings using R, Rstudio, and Rprojects, as well as make basic statistical summaries and plots of data.
Forest Ecosystem Resilience (FOR6155): Offers an overview of the abiotic and biotic drivers and management activities that can either stimulate or suppress alterations in forest structure and function. The course also covers the methods used to detect change and surveys the models used to estimate how a forest will change in the future.
Physiology of Forest Trees (FOR6340): Growth and development of woody perennial plants, with emphasis on understanding how environmental factors affect their physiology.
Geographic Information Systems (SUR6395): Database development, economic impact of GIS, development of standards, integration of data sets, hardware and software developments, and advances in GIS technology.
These undergraduate classes were all taken at Northern Kentucky University between 2018 and 2022:
Biometry (BIO 342): Extensive use of IBM SPSS, R, RStudio, and RCommander for statistical analysis.
Advanced Writing in Biology (BIO 291W): A comprehensive literature review and paper on the effects of DHA and EPA on the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
Disease Ecology and Human Health (ENV 324): An exploration of the emergence of infectious diseases and other human health issues from an ecological perspective, including vector-borne diseases, diseases spread from wildlife, the role of pathogens and parasites in community and population ecology; examination of how global change and biodiversity loss will contribute to the prevalence of human diseases.
Animal Physiological Ecology (BIO 441L): An examination of biotic and abiotic factors that produce adaptations in organisms.
Tropical Ecology (BIO 462): Unique features of tropical ecosystems, abiotic characteristics, gap dynamics biodiversity, plant-animal interactions, economic importance of tropical forests, causes and consequences of tropical deforestation.
Environmental Toxicology – (ENV 350): An exploration of the physiological and environmental effects and metabolism of environmental toxins and toxicants, including heavy metals, POPs, and VOCs.
Evolution of Organisms (BIO 458): Mechanisms, historical and philosophical perspectives, empirical evidence, and contemporary application of evolutionary principles.
Genetics (BIO 349L): Essential concepts in genetics and genomics; DNA and chromosomes, DNA replication, recombination and repair, mitosis and meiosis, Mendelian and non-Mendelian genetics, epigenetics, gene expression, and bioinformatics; restriction endonucleases, polymerase chain reactions, BLAST queries.
Human Nutrition (BIO 126): Understanding of macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, epidemiology, controversial nutritional subjects.
Medical and Biological Terminology (BIO 272): Derivatives, prefixes, roots, and suffixes of scientific vocabulary.
General Ecology (BIO 304L): Interrelationships between organisms and their environment.
Organic Chemistry I (CHE 310L): Introduction to the chemistry of carbon compounds; bonding, structure, and introductory analysis and synthesis; separation techniques.
Geographic Information Systems (GEO 418): Introduction to the theories, principles, construction methods, and applications of geographic information systems; employment of a GIS software package to manipulate geographically referenced data.